June 23, 2012
I couldn’t be enjoying this pregnancy more , and that’s the God honest truth. I have less than 10 weeks to go and while I’m in no rush to get through them, I do every now and then think about life after baby #3 is born. Of course life will be hectic and crazy, but the bright side is that I’ll be able to have a little wine to go with the crazy ha! If I feel up to it, I might have to host an end of summer wine and cheese party in our backyard with a few friends. I’d use these invitations.
And I’d even get out my cheese board and cheese knives, because I’m fancy like that. Especially when I have a screaming newborn wrapped to my chest, right? Oh, one can only daydream, right? If you could have a special little party, what theme would it be?
all cheese accessories from Crate & Barrel; invitations from River and Bridge
I’ll come! 😉
and you will be more than welcomed!
Love this invitation!