
Instagram Ate My Blog

I’ve been cooking and drinking and eating up a ton lately.  With the start of my new bootcamp, I’ve had a veracious appetite, and to fuel my body with good food, and so I don’t fall prey to bad crap, I’ve continued to try new recipes and drink concoctions.  I’m trying to cut back on […]

4 Yummy Drinks I’m Making With My Vitamix

I recently acquired a Vitamix Blenderinstead of a juicer after watching the Vitamix dude make a mighty wow-inspiring presentation at my local Coscto. I had my heart set on using my birthday money to buy a nice juicer, but when I saw his presentation I just couldn’t deny that for now, a blender was the […]

Patriotic Pinwheel Cookies Made With Royal Icing

I’m taking the next few days off to be with my family and enjoy summer, so I thought I would leave you with one of my favorite tutorials that I pulled over from my old blog.  I recreated a cookie that was on the cover of Martha Stewart magazine, skeptical I would be able to […]

My 5 Favorite Juices & Smoothies

While technically Gwyneth didn’t make me actually start drinking juices, she did sort of push me to actually start juicing myself.  When I was pregnant with Hayden I had fierce cravings for citrus, and so I began going to Nektar at least once a week to get their Sublime juice.  The cravings grew into an […]

Gwyneth Made Me Do It

Let me be clear and start by letting you all know that I have a love-hate relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow, which leans more towards strong disdain/hate more than the love part.  Not for reasons you would probably guess though.  I’ve loved her as an actress for many years, and like most of the world, thought […]

Kefir Yogurt Fruit Cups

Sugar snacks, like Fruit Roll Ups are a vivid memory of my childhood.  One was placed in my lunchbox almost every day of my school career, and was my mom’s go-to choice as a ‘peace be with you’ snack when we were grocery shopping.  You know, a snack your mom gives you (and we now […]

Rustic Plum Tart

Are you a part of the For the Love Of Facebook community?  Let’s be friends! Truth be told, I haven’t been doing much cooking lately. Okay honestly, I’ve done zero cooking, other than reheating meals, and I can’t remember the last time I tried a new recipe. I used to try at least one new […]