Food & Wellness

Carrot Cake Energy Bites

Energy bites are one of my very favorite snacks for several reasons. I love that you can make them with myriad ingredients depending on your mood. Today it’s carrot cake energy bites because it’s spring, the weather is warm, and I want to be outside. And for that I need a snack that gives me […]

Strawberry Chia Seed Pudding

I’ve been experimenting with adding new snack and breakfast items to my rotation. Things I can grab when I’m feeling hungry but have very little time. Things that will prevent me from dipping into a bag of chips or stopping at the coffee shop and grabbing a muffin. Chia pudding is a somewhat new-to-me concept, […]

Easter Inspired Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie

When I was a little girl, I would watch my grandmother stir a bubbling pot of strawberry-rhubarb sauce on the stove. It was destined for great things, like vanilla ice cream, pie, or angel food cake. And even for a picky, picky eater, that sauce was one of my favorite springtime treats. My grandmother’s garden […]

Almond & Date Smoothie, With Maca

Some days, you just can’t look at another leafy green vegetable based smoothie or juice. Some days you miss the old you, who’d stroll through McDonald’s on a Tuesday afternoon and order a McFlurry and fries on the side, to dip in my McFlurry. Sigh. But then you remember you invested in that fancy Vitamix […]

Early Spring Salad

Spring is wonderful, isn’t it? I feel like it’s a small gift from the universe to keep me going until summer arrives. As someone who loves to cook (and eat) it also means fresh fruits and veggies will soon start reappearing at the farmers market. Now I live near the mountains, so it’s still pretty […]

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Heart Cookies

I love a good shortbread cookie, and if it’s covered in dark chocolate, even more reason to celebrate. I love the mix of the savory buttery flavor, mixed with the sweetness of the dark chocolate, a perfect combination if you ask me.  So when I saw that Trader Joe’s had once again, brought back those […]