Shop Back To School With Schoola & Support Local Schools


IMG_7453 A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you a new organization called Schoola, which is an online consignment store, accepting and selling either brand new or gently used children’s clothes, while helping to raise money for valuable school programs in the process. You can either donate, which is as easy as requesting a donation bag online, or you can shop a very large selection of clothes. I loved the concept from the start, which is why I had no hesitation being a part in this campaign, but I wasn’t exactly sure what I would think of the shopping process. I tried it out last week though, and I couldn’t be happier with our purchases. IMG_7464 Since we start the school year so early in summer still, we still have many hot days ahead of us, so I focused on shopping for shorts and short sleeve shirts for Taylor, and found a really great selection of both. The site functions just like any shopping site, or may even be more detailed in its filtering systems. You can filter your results by school level, including preschool, grade school and high school, and then further filter down by size from there. Tops are categorized into different silhouettes (J. Crew, you should get on that!), so you can search for hoodies, sweaters, etc. You can even see a list of brands available and filter from there, so if you know Gap clothes fit your kid particularly well, just browse the Gap selection and forge the rest. IMG_7470 What I especially liked though, while shopping, is that you can see just how much money you will help raise for schools, with each item you add to your cart. The cute denim shorts I picked up for Taylor were from Justice, and originally retailed for $30. They were selling for $8.97 on the Schoola site, and with my purchase $3.59 of that would go to the school noted. Now, this is how Schoola works, and how you would get involved in order to raise money for your school; you need to request a bag, go through your closets and donate for your school. When an item you donate is sold, that’s when you raise money for your school! So whenever you shop, you help to raise money for great schools across our nation, but when you donate for your school, you raise money through purchases. Make sense? That’s the way it works like a consignment store. It’s a win-win either way you slice it! Schoola-1 Purchases of $50 or more receive free shipping, and at the end of your purchase, you can see just how much you saved and how much of your shopping dollars went to school programs. The money raised goes towards valuable programs like art, music and physical activity; programs that are continually being slashed around the country. A reader was surprised to hear that our art program is completely run by parent volunteers and without it, our kids wouldn’t experience art, as it’s no longer part of our regular curriculum. It’s sadly a true reality across hundreds if not thousands of schools in America. schoola-2 I’m extremely excited to have had the oppoprtunity to not only find out about this organziation, but share it with you all. I hope you’ll consider requesting a bag to donate, or browsing the site for some new school clothes for your kids. Taylor’s top came in with the tags still attached, and the shorts were in absolute perfect condition. She’s worn the outfit several times already, and she’s only had it a week! It’s an awesome way to declutter, shop, and raise money for schools in need. As I said in my previous post, I hate that we need to be so creative with funding valuable programs, but I love that we as parents can be proactive in some small way.

This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying.

Back To School With Tea Collection


tea-collection-4 Our school schedule runs a little bit different than the norm. We have a modified year round schedule, so our breaks are broken up throughout the year into smaller and longer vacations than the traditional school year calendar. This makes for a short summer which flies by in the blink of an eye. We try our best to strike the balance between lazy days and activity to keep everyone happy. Some days and weeks it works, and we take our time and enjoy the lack of schedule. And some days the kids fight or we are rushing out the door, and I take a sideways glance at my calendar to see how many days left till the school bell rings.
tea-collection-6 I don’t know what the right balance really is, and if it can ever be achieved, but we try our best to make the best of each day, and we had quite a few of them. tea-collection-5 We recently discovered a somewhat local place called the Anaheim Packing District, a large food hall housing a variety of restaurants, a couple of bars and several dessert stands, one of them being a popsicle stand called PopBar. The kids asked to go there twice in our last week of summer break, so we did. Some days I should probably say no more, but I tried to focus on saying yes a lot the last week of break. Saying yes a lot led to one tired momma, which made me excited for school to start and less sad about summer passing too quickly. Not sure if that’s a healthy way to treat sadness, but whatever works, right? IMG_7429 tea-collection-2 I also said yes to them wearing school clothes and shoes this summer, a rule my own mother never let me break when I was growing up. You can see how well that went. IMG_7441 But in reality, a good soak and a long night of sleep did us all some good each night, and getting to sleep-in without an alarm clock was one of the things I already miss most about summer. IMG_7440 I do not miss the inevitable bickering though, I’ll tell you that much. Perhaps I’m doing this parenting thing wrong, but I’ve yet to find the perfect formula for endless “together time”, that leaves all parties smiling and happy. Let me know if you have the answer, pretty please. tea-collection-3 The kids returned to school just yesterday, and how exciting of a day it was for all of us. The kids seemed to really love their teachers after the first day, are excited about a few projects they will both be working on in 2nd and 4th grade, and were downright pleasant to each other all afternoon. Hayden and I also got to return to our routine of Curious George and a long morning walk. IMG_7495 I’m sure soon enough we will all be missing summer, but for now anyhow, we’re happy to have a bit of routine back in action. Plus, before we know it, it will be the last week of September and we’ll be signing out for a week of vacation. How much longer do you have before school starts for your kiddos? Are you joyfully anticipating the return of school, or dreading the daily grind? IMG_7494 The lovely folks at Tea Collection have designed a wonderful new line of clothes, perfect for back to school, called Be Bold, Be You. The idea behind this collection is taking some great mix and match pieces, and making them suit each wearers individual personalities and style. The pieces you see the kids wearing throughout this post are all part of the new collection, and they each had a lot of fun picking them out. The dress colors and prints are still so age-appropriate for Taylor, yet with the right amount of stylish edge to make her love them. And Syd wears jeans 365 days of the year, no matter what the weather, so he was more than happy to sport these, which are the perfect mix of skinny and relaxed, making his touchy self very comfortable.

You can find easy to shop sets here, for both boys and girls, or you can shop the individual pieces through this link for boys and this one for girls. Taylor’s favorite printed dress is the Lyrical Shapes, and the adorably mod black and white floral dress, with an exposed back zipper, is the Odette. Syd’s favorite pair of pants are actually made of twill called the Daytripper.

We’ve long been fans of Tea, since Taylor was first born, and I am thrilled to be able to collaborate with them in such a fun way. Thank you Tea for always designing such perfectly stylish, quality clothes, and thank you for supporting the brands that help me do my thing.

This post was sponsored by Tea Collection, but all opinions are my own.

Coming To Terms With My Own Mommy War


IMG_6520 Nine years ago after giving birth to my first child, I found myself wrestling with an internal struggle that I would continue to deal with for the next 9 years. At the close of my maternity leave, I went back to work as an Account Manager for St. John Knits, handling the Saks Fifth Avenue account. Words cannot express how much I loved my job, and although it was stressful and emotionally draining at times, more so than not it was fun, exciting and empowering. Early on in my pregnancy Art and I made the decision together that I would return, because we needed the income and health insurance, and also because I felt I “needed” to work. So even before I gave birth we had plans in place for childcare and settled into the ideal situation, with both sets of grandparents splitting up the week to care for Taylor.

When I was 7 months pregnant, with my full support, Art left his job to start his own company. While the future was scary and unsettling, we at least knew we had my income to fall back on in case his business was slow to grow. When I returned to my job though, within the first week I knew I couldn’t stay. Art and I consulted with an accountant to go over finances, took inventory of our own expenses and savings, looked into the costs of health insurance since we would be losing that, and that Friday of my first week back, I tearfully went into my bosses office and handed in my resignation.

Let me interject here to say I have complete understanding of how lucky I was to have the option to stay home. I do not take that for granted, and as you continue to read, I hope you understand my sincerity in that. I know plenty of women who don’t have the luxury of a choice, one way or another.

Those first few months at home with Taylor were a blur, and many days I felt lost. To help “keep me busy”, I decided to start a children’s clothing company selling screen-printed tees. I busied myself with designing, sourcing garment houses, dye houses, pattern makers and screen printers. Once we had our first line completed, I took it to the garment district in Downtown LA and looked for a rep to sell the line, literally cold-calling these reps in person, until I found one who took in the line. I sold at craft fairs and we got into, at one point, 13 stores across the country. I used my old connections at St. John to also show the line to the Saks buyers and had plans to eventually get the line in their stores. Back then we could just focus on doing the work; designing, producing, selling and shipping, without the distractions of social media to contend with. Facebook hadn’t even really began. So although it sounds like “a lot” I did most of it at night, with the exception of the selling, after Taylor went to bed. I took a few afternoons here and there to sell the line, but for the most part I was doing the mom thing by day, and the clothing thing at night. It felt, back then, completely manageable.

Even though I was experiencing some successes with the clothing line, essentially getting the best of both worlds by being to stay home and have something going on the side, I still greatly missed my old job. I kept in touch with all my old friends and would regularly meet them for lunch or drinks and we would catch up on office gossip and happenings. I remember always feeling sad after those get-togethers, and during one lunch date, I decided to stop by the old office to show off Taylor and say hi to some old coworkers. I ran into my old boss and as we hugged goodbye, tears ran down. My job was my identity for so many years, I was struggling to let go of the old me and embrace this new role. IMG_6547

Let me interject here again to talk about preconceived notions of women’s roles, and how we should handle them. During this time I remember getting a lot of grief from various people for not embracing full time stay at home motherhood with complete joy. I know I’m not alone in this. For those who wrestle with the decision and reasons to stay home or return to work, we are rarely able to make anyone else happy, let alone ourselves. If we miss our old job and way of life, we are pegged as ungrateful and crazy. We are spoon fed a guilt trip; do you know how many women would be overjoyed to be in your situation? Alternately, if we embrace full time motherhood, some may accuse us of wasting our potential. Even worse is when fellow mothers who continue to work, emphatically tell us how they could never stay home, they would go crazy. When it comes to the topic of stay at home or go back to work, it is hardly ever an easy and uncomplicated situation, which is why it baffles me when people make judgments based on their own experiences or projections. We all have different backgrounds and histories that shape each decision we make, therefore how can we ever expect to fully understand, and then comment on, someone else’s situation, based on our own frame of reference? As with almost anything, especially involving parenting, I think the world and our roles of motherhood would be a lot more joyous and a lot less guilt ridden, if people kept their opinions to themselves. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to a mother’s decision to stay at home or go back to work.

Soon after I had the tearful run-in with my boss, I called him one early morning and asked if they had any openings. I did not consult Art, and truth be told, it was the only time in our marriage where I lied to him about something. I told him that my old boss had called me with this opportunity, and it was a long time before I told him that I was the one who made the call. Even though I felt lost and quite depressed staying at home, I also felt extreme guilt about my desire to return to work. I had recently confided with my mom’s group how conflicted I had been feeling lately, and a friend gave me a copy of The Mommy Wars, which only seemed to confuse me more since it was a collection of personal essays from both sides of the spectrum; moms at work feeling guilty, and moms at home feeling guilty. It seemed like you were damned if you do, damned if you don’t, and so I figured if I was going to be wrapped up in turmoil and guilt, I may as well be bringing home some money in the process.

I returned to work full time, just a week after Taylor turned one, and essentially closed up shop on the clothing company, although continuing to sell off inventory here and there to friends and at the occasional craft fair.

I settled back into a routine at work, and although I had taken a different position than before, this time as a Regional Sales Manager covering the entire west coast, I still loved my job and enjoyed the daily hustle and bustle. For a brief time anyhow. After a couple of months of continuous travel, I started to seriously question my decision to return to work, as I missed Taylor like crazy. Six months after being back at work, I found out I was pregnant with Syd, and had to march into my bosses office and deliver the news. He surprisingly took it very well and as my due date grew closer, we worked out a plan for me to return to work after maternity leave, in a different role, working only part time. I couldn’t believe how well things were falling into place again, and I felt very lucky. IMG_6601

After Syd was born, I worked in the office 2 days a week, and 1 day from home, writing product knowledge materials, giving factory tours and putting together a quarterly glossy type magazine, to be distributed to all sales associates across the country. This part time gig wasn’t the most glamorous or exciting of positions, but I was thankful for the ability to keep my foot in the door and be home with the kids a good portion of the week.

That arrangement lasted for almost 2 years, until the economy went to crap and the company started doing lay-offs. My part time position was finally cut after the 3rd round of lay-offs, and I took it as my sign to switch gears and help out Art with his growing business. So I went into Art’s office 2 days a week and did all the accounts receivables/accounts payable, where it became evident that I didn’t have the stomach for small business accounting, especially when it’s your own business. Small business finances, especially with newer companies, is erratic and volatile, and my nerves were constantly frazzled seeing the influx, and outpouring of money – essentially our own money – on a daily basis. Art and I fought a lot, I nagged him about how he was running the business, he grew defensive and told me I didn’t understand how it all worked and took offense at my lack of faith in his abilities. It was a bad situation.

To make matters more complicated, I had also decided at that time to start another clothing company and open an Etsy shop, this time doing the sewing all myself, and spent way too many late nights cutting and sewing. I really can’t say what I was thinking. I started my old blog Four Flights of Fancy some where in between there too.

After a couple of years of fighting with Art and driving myself crazy sewing and listing things in Etsy, I found myself accepting a new position at a different clothing company. This time, my old boss did call me up and offered me a job at a new company he was at, James Perse, in a role I was familiar with. On top of everything, we had recently moved into a different house and I was feeling stressed about finances. Even though I actually didn’t want to return to work full time, I took it as a sign or a blessing in disguise, and figured we could use this opportunity to build up on our depleted savings account, and possibly use some of my income to build Art’s business a bit, maybe hire another employee.

I took that job, and within weeks I knew I hated it. The company was influx, and shortly after I started my role and expectations completely changed, and I found myself traveling to New York for market every 6 weeks. It was a bad situation all around, and I cried every day at lunch, I missed the kids so bad, but made a personal goal to try and stick with it for a year. I did, and then got my ass out of there as fast as I could.

If you’ve read this far, you may notice a pattern with me and leaving jobs. After I left James Perse, instead of starting another clothing line, I decided to start this blog. By that time, blogs were on a fast course track to world domination. Women were making money hand over fist, getting book deals left and right, and become television stars. With my background in fashion and my approachable sense of style for moms, I figured my course was set and I’d soon be able to replace a good portion of my full time income with monetizing the heck of what would soon become one of the best style blogs around. I even had the genius idea of maintaining BOTH blogs, my Four Flights of Fancy blog would be dedicated to family, and this new blog I had yet to create or even name, would be solely dedicated to style. I could monetize both blogs and make a crap ton of money.

That last paragraph was only mildly dripping with sarcasm. While many bloggers were in fact scoring book deals and even a select few indeed becoming television stars, I soon found out that the vast majority of my fellow bloggers were working their asses off for a small piece of the pie. Because advertising on the blog(s), and sponsored posts were still very much in their infancy and not as far reaching as they are now, I tried to secure outside writing gigs to supplement my lost income, and began writing at Disney Baby, turning out 13 posts a month.

When I eventually started this blog in February of 2012, I was already pregnant with Hayden and still unaware of how much having a third child would change me, and our family. I continued writing at Disney Baby, did some contributor posts for Making It Lovely, and got a taste of income from my first sponsored post. I still remember how exciting it was to receive the confirmation email that I had been chosen to write about Kraft American cheese slices (I’m not even kidding). I could get used to this, I thought. IMG_6505

Hayden was of course born and we fell hard and fast in love with him. While I eventually stopped writing at my old blog Four Flights of Fancy, I continued to try with all my might to grow this one, took on more sponsored posts and advertising, and continued to write at Disney Baby. And while I didn’t try to start another clothing line, I did try and start a new business concept with Jules – The Craft Cabinet. I really wish we could have figured out how to get that thing really going because I loved the two events we put together. I eventually swapped writing for Disney Baby with Babble, and have taken on a few other outsourced writing gigs here and there over the last couple of years.

I could probably write an entire epistle on the complexities of blogging and how demanding it can be, but I don’t think we need another blogger complaining about how hard our job is. Plus, the reason I went into the long and drawn out story of my career path over the last 9 years was because my current feelings about blogging have more to do with my struggles with work and motherhood than they do with blogging itself.

Simply stated though, blogging in and of itself is not all that hard or complex. But maintaining a monetized blog is nothing like I thought it would be. There are so many hats to juggle, so many people to answer to, and so many roles to wear that this job can and very easily has become almost a full time gig for me. And I can assure you I am not making full time money on this. Those bloggers who are making full time money though are indeed working full time, plus more. This has slowly evolved into a monster that I can’t really manage. Maybe someone else could, but I have finally come to admit that I’m just not good at this. I’m not good at the juggling and all-consuming nature that blogging tends to have. Over the past two years, I’ve forgotten to pay bills, bounced checks, and those are just the minor things that can easily be fixed. More often than I’d care to admit, I’ve snapped at the kids because I needed to meet a deadline, yelled at my husband because he wasn’t home from work in time to help me shoot a post, been distracted way too many times by my phone, and lots of other offenses here and there that make up the bigger stuff I’m not proud of, and make up a life I don’t really want to lead right now.

IMG_2522 Our second Craft Cabinet, which was a watercolor workshop

Blogging has been an incredibly exciting avenue for women to take these past several years. It’s launched careers, given women a place to tell their stories, and opened up opportunities that countless women would otherwise never have had, usually while staying home in the process. I am one of them and please don’t mistake my frustration for ungratefulness. But in many ways I think some of us have been sold a bill of goods by the idea of blogging. We want to stay home, we want to make money, we want to excel, and blogging can help us do all that. But it’s not as easy as banging out a few paragraphs at night and shooting a post while baby naps. Don’t be fooled, it’s way more complicated then that. This is not the hardest job in the world and we’re certainly not saving lives here, but doing well in blogging isn’t as cute and simple as taking some pretty pictures and getting them pinned on Pinterest.

I look back over the last 9 years since I became a mother, and of course I see a lot of wonderful things, but I also see a lot of confusion and indecision on my part. Starting and stopping things because I never really took the time, or was honest with myself, to decide if that was really what I wanted, and what was good for me, my family and my marriage. I’ve spent a lot of time searching for the perfect thing that would fulfill me and leave me enough time to be the kind of mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister and woman I wanted to be, never stopping to acknowledge that perfect doesn’t exist, and I’ve wasted so much time.

I don’t know if I’m ready to stop doing it all and commit to mothering without working, but I’m ready to give up some things, for the sake of recapturing some sense of peace around here, and to stop wasting time. I’ve decided for starters to take a back seat on monetizing this blog. I’ll continue with some already agreed upon sponsored posts, which by the way, I feel good about and at this time will remind you to check out my Schoola post. But after my commitments are finalized, I will take an indefinite break in sponsored posts of any kind, here or on Instagram. It is my hope that by removing this area of the blog, I’ll remove a lot of the pressure of deadlines and maintaining numbers. Friends who don’t blog often don’t understand bloggers’ obsessions with numbers and followers and all that, but without the numbers, you can’t secure the sponsored posts and advertisers and other opportunities. It’s that pressure that I’m tired of dealing with. By removing the monetization factor, I’m free to post when and what I am compelled to, without worrying about lost page views or dropped followers.

I will continue with my writing gig at Babble. There have been a lot of changes at the site over the last few months, and through some negotiations and policy changes, I feel like it continues to be a great opportunity I can’t and shouldn’t toss aside. Deep within my bones I still love to work and create, and while the fears of money and lost income have diminished over the years, thanks in part to a wonderful husband and my own growing faith in God and His grace, I still can’t discount this opportunity and the extra income it provides our family.

So why choose to make money working for someone else, writing at Babble, than make money here on my own site? Well, you may not have picked up on the pattern in all the jobs I’ve held over the last 9 years, but I have. I have finally come to the realization that I am a lousy entrepreneur and am just better, more saner, when I’m working for someone else, through one channel. I may be good at multi-tasking, but I’m terrible at juggling all these various balls that monetizing your own blog throws at you. Perhaps one day in the future I can recommit to my space here, but right now I just feel that I’m trying to do too much, and it’s making me crazy. If the Babble gig eventually goes away, who knows, I may return to monetizing as an option, so never say never, but for right now this just feels right.

I do realize that I don’t need to make this grand announcement to all 10 of you reading. I’m not sure if anyone really even cares. But I thought it was worthwhile to tell my story for two reasons. One, I think many women agonize in silence over their choices in staying home or returning to work. Many women are judged and even bullied for their decisions, or like me, for their indecision. I at least wanted to share with anyone interested and let you know that you’re not alone. I struggled for years and continue to wrestle with my decisions. This does not make you or me ungrateful, unappreciative or a flake for not being able to make up our minds.

Second, I thought it would be helpful to be honest about blogging. There’s no need to throw ourselves a pity party, because us bloggers don’t have it all that bad, I know. But there’s so much sheltering of the truth with (big) blogging that we often paint this pretty and perfect picture that we can do it all. Be creative, make beautiful things, style pleasing Instagrams, take amazing pictures, write eloquently, be the queen of SEO, and monetize a successful blog, all with a baby on our hip and straight A students. That picture of perfect is a falsehood, and quite frankly impossible. Behind all that beauty and creativity is a babysitter or a kid sitting in front of an iPad eating gold fish from time to time. A lot of bloggers have been transparent about the demands of maintaining a monetized blog and I have always appreciated the breath of honest fresh air. Hopefully this post will be another one.

This may not be every blogger’s story, but it is mine. If I was willing to hire full time help and build the dream, life would be great. But this isn’t my dream right now, and so I’m taking a step back.

Without a doubt, I’ll still be around, and I’m still committed to producing quality posts. They just may be fewer and farther in between, or who knows, maybe without the pressure of the “numbers game,” I will be recharged with some late night creativity. Probably not though, as I have a whole lot of TV to catch up on and about 10 unread books sitting on my nightstand. Oh, and Hayden’s uncracked baby book to deal with too. We’ll just see how it goes, no promises either way.

I hope none of this has come across as self-pity or ungratefulness. I know full well how lucky (and hard-working) I’ve been to have had the opportunity to test out full time work, part time work and self-employment, and by now I consider myself an expert on trying to achieve the ever-elusive work-life balance, free of worry about finances and resumes. I’m not sure if that balance and worry-free life exists for anyone else besides millionaires, but we owe it to ourselves and our family to always keep trying. No matter how flaky, indecisive or crazy we may come across to the outside world.

And just for kicks, a few pictures of my first and second clothing lines, called Baby Taylored. Sadly, I think somewhere along the lines we deleted all the original photos of the very first screen printed line, but I found a couple here and there of Taylor wearing some pieces. Here’s one I found particularly cute, although not the best “quality.” IMG_6643 And here are a couple of photos from the hand-sewn line, photographed by Melissa Brandman. Coincidentally, these photos were taken at the same park as the ones above, taken just a few days ago. A full circle moment I suppose.  It’s my sincerest wish for all us mothers that we continue to strive for balance, happiness and have the faith and courage to take risks from time to time. Baby-Taylored-0072 Baby-Taylored-0048

Helping to Fund Art Through Schoola


For the past 4 years, since Taylor began Kindergarten, I have been volunteering in the Meet the Masters art program at school. When Syd began elementary school, I took turns alternating each month between the two classrooms, and needless to say both kids have always looked forward to seeing me in the class, even if I was just passing out brushes or cleaning up. Meet the Masters is a standardized art program available to schools all over, that features the work of several well known artists. The program is 100% run by parent volunteers like myself, and is usually funded primarily through donations. As you can imagine, not every school across the country would be able to afford to run such a program. IMG_4018

The educational benefits of art programs, especially when included in school curriculum, are well known. From the early child development years all the way through high school, incorporating art programs at school have tremendous benefits from increased cultural awareness and language development, to an increase in academic success and higher career goals. If you’ve had a chance to watch your own child work on art projects at home, you probably already know that it’s obviously a great creative outlet too, but when you have a chance to watch a room full of kids create art, even for just a small amount of time, you pick up on some other amazing benefits too. These kids are excited, engaged and rarely have to be told to pay attention or stop talking during instruction. They feel compelled to create their own masterpieces for the sheer enjoyment of it, and rarely feel nervous of making mistakes or getting the answer wrong; a nice change of pace to the common core curriculum they focus on for the majority of the school day. From a layperson’s point of view, there’s a tremendous difference in energy between regular school hours when I’m volunteering, than when the art program is in session. Often times during Meet the Masters, the students are so attentive that the teacher will use this time to leave the room and perform other work duties. It’s quite different than normal instruction time when I often over-hear her telling the kids to settle down and warnings of disciplinary action are doled out every few minutes.

But even though we all know the benefits to kids self esteem, school performance and enthusiasm for school, that the arts can bring, school budgets for art programs continue to be cut year after year. But schools, parents and organizations, continue to be creative in finding ways to try and fund these programs because they understand just how valuable they are. Once such company that was created to help fund some of the vital programs like sports, arts and music, is Schoola.

Schoola is an online consignment store that accepts gently used name brand clothing items, with a portion of the proceeds going to schools in need, yours included. You can read more about how it works and some FAQ’s on their site, but the basics are that for every sale on Schoola, 40% of the proceeds go to your chosen school to help pay for these vital, often underfunded programs at school. Schoola ships you a bag, you fill it up and return it, and then collect a portion of sales for your school.

Because a new school year is quickly approaching – we go back in just 10 days! – Schoola wants to get the word out about how you can help clean out closets and drawers, while raising money for valuable school programs at the same time. I’ve chosen to adopt Yick Wo Elementary in San Francisco, which is raising funds to help further their art program on campus. You can learn more about Yick Wo in the video below.

If you’re interested in trying out Schoola this school year, simply request a donation bag to be sent to you, fill it up and send it back in. Since I’m trying to raise money for Yick Wo, when you request a bag, $1 will be sent to my sponsored school. Plus, when you fill out your school information, you’ll be earning $2 for every $5 made for valuable art and sports programs at your school. Win/win for both of us!

While it’s disheartening and frustrating that these amazing and valuable programs continue to be underfunded, despite their proven benefit, it’s also encouraging that parents, educators and private companies across the country, continue to think outside the box in finding ways to help. It’s easy to get down about the situation, but instead of getting down about it, I’d much rather try to be proactive and help out, and I know most feel the same. A sincere thanks to the creators of Schoola for coming up with this creative opportunity to allow us to help.

This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying.

Monday Thoughts


The other day I crossed the aisle of Target, distracted by something shiny and pretty. You know the feeling. Unknowingly, I stepped in front of a fellow shopper, going straight with purpose, and me, momentarily cutting him off at the pass. He huffed a bit and I apologized, not thinking much of it since I didn’t really slow him down any, nor did I bump into him. My apology only seemed to aggravate him more, his huffs turning to loud sighs, to which I replied something slightly sarcastic like “didn’t know you were in such a hurry.” He kept walking and yelled back at me, “didn’t know you were retarded.”

I stood there in front of the candles and stationary, in total shock, that a grown man, as “normal” as they come, would call someone retarded in broad daylight, in the middle of Target. I don’t know why it made me think of the internet, but I saw with instant clarity how people could be so awful online, seeing as how we could be in real life, face to face. Then that made me think about how easy it is for us all to get so worked up on a daily basis about stuff, because we have so much information coming at us every day from differing points of view, half of which could make us seething mad. I spent a good portion of early mornings during our vacation, waking up before everyone else, reading updates and articles about what’s going on in Gaza, and reading the comments. I don’t know why I do that, read the comments, but it always sucks me in and makes me sad how different we all see things.

I read a quote from Judd Apatow on my Chipotle bag today which made a lot of sense, and got me out of my funk a bit today. It said “Don’t be a jerk. Try to love everyone. Give more than you take. And do it despite the fact that you only really like about seven out of 500 people.” Why are we such jerks to each other? I’m feeling really conflicted today posting about food or clothes or even my family vacation I was fortunate to take. There’s so much to talk about, but I really just want to stay quiet. I’ve lost my words it seems.

I will hopefully be back tomorrow, a little more rested and a little less bleak.



DIY Pom Pom Table Runner



DIY Pom Pom Table Runner For parties and entertaining I sometimes feel like the most under-utilized table accent is the table runner. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely more important things to worry about: like making thoughtful meals and spending quality time with guests. But if you find yourself wanting to make a party statement without a ton of hassle consider the table runner your new best friend. Table runners anchor a table setting…they give it structure without stealing the show! That’s why I came up with a fun and simple way to accessorize my table runner without too much fuss!

What you will need:

Pom pom table runner DIY

-Yarn in a variety of colors

– Embroidery string (like the string you would use to make a cross-stitch)…the color doesn’t really matter as you wont be able to see the string on the finished table runner

– A piece of fabric cut to the length and width you desire for a table runner. I also stitched a quick hem around the runner to avoid fraying.

– Scirrors

– A needle big enough to thread embroidery string through.

Pom pom table runner DIY

Step 1: To begin, find an end on one of your yarn balls and being wrapping yarn around 3 to 4 fingers (depending on how big you want your yarn poms to be). I wrapped the yarn around my fingers about 35 to 40 times for fuller little poms. After wrapping, simple cut the yarn end.

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Step 2: Next, slide the yarn off of your hand, making sure to retain the loop shape that the yarn formed around your fingers. With a scrap of yarn, tie a tight double knot around the middle of the yarn loop. Then simple tie the embroidery string around the center of your yarn loop as well. This string will help you attach the poms to the table runner.

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Step 3: Then, being careful to not cut the embroidery string, use your scissors to cut all of the individual yarn loops. This will create a little yarn pom pom!

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

Step 4: Finally attach the yarn poms to the table runner. First, thread the ends of the embroidery string through the needle. Then carefully feed the needle through the table runner fabric. Tie a double (or even triple) knot with the string on the back side of your table runner to secure the pom.

Repeat those steps, creating 30 poms total (15 for each end)!

Pom pom table runner DIY

Pom pom table runner DIY

DIY Pom Pom Table Runner DIY Pom Pom Table Runner


Tahini Chocolate Chip Granola Bars


tahini granola bars-2 I never realized that the toughest part of summer break would be snacks and lunch. I’m being totally serious! I take it for granted that at school there is someone else doling out the snacks and lunch and I only have to worry about breakfast and dinner. It’s kind of nice, actually. But now it’s summer and I’m quickly running out of ideas to keep their active little bodies satisfied until the next meal. Between swimming, playing outside, riding bikes and scooters, there are some big appetites.

Here’s the other thing – I actually really hate snacks! I hate buying them, unless it’s fresh fruit and veggies, because most of the time it’s just empty calories. And while I do serve up quite a bit of fresh fruit and veggies at snack time, sometimes they want something else, like a granola bar. I like taking on the challenge of creating healthier versions of their favorite no-so-healthy store-bought snacks. homemade tahini chocolate chip granola bars These granola bars are definitely sweet, but rely on natural sweeteners; dates and maple syrup, to make them sweet enough and hold together without loads of processed sugars and syrups. The tahini could be replaced with peanut, almond, or sunflower butter, but I find that when it’s paired with dates in just the right amount, it gives these an almost toffee flavor. So there’s just enough tahini so you know it’s there, but not too much that it’s overpowering or bitter. For fun, I added some semi-sweet mini chocolate chips, but dried fruit could easily be substituted. homemade tahini granola bars   tahini chocolate chip granola bars Quite honestly, I’ve never seen a snack disappear as quickly as these bars! They absolutely love them. They are a perfect whole food snack/sometimes treat that I don’t feel guilty giving them. (Or sneaking one myself!) tahini granola bars

Tahini Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
Prep time
Total time
A healthy and nutritious granola bar, sweetened without the use of refined sugars.
Recipe type: Snack
Serves: 12 bars
  • 1 cup soft pitted dates
  • ¼ cup tahini
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1½ cups rolled oats
  • ⅓ cup plus 2 Tablespoons mini chocolate chips, divided
  1. Place dates into the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the tahini, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and sea salt. Process until a smooth paste forms. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add half the rolled oats and stir until well combined. Add the remaining oats and ⅓ cup of the chocolate chips. Stir until everything is combined and no dry oats remain. The mixture will be very thick and sticky.
  2. Line an 8- by 8-inch square baking dish with parchment paper. Press the oat mixture into the pan in an even layer. Sprinkle the remaining 2 Tablespoons mini chocolate chips on top and press into the surface of the bars so they don't fall off.
  3. Chill the bars until firm, about 30-60 minutes. Cut into 12 bars. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


Week In Review – Summer Edition


You Will Have More Ideas Than Time Perhaps one day when all three kids are in school full time and I have more than one hour of uninterrupted work time, I will blossom into the writer/blogger/content creator I hope to be, but for now, this sentiment is ringing true with me now more than ever. Sounds so silly, but when I found this the other day, I literally felt my shoulders relax a little, like some random quote was giving me permission to give myself a break. The appetizers for dinner post I published a couple of days ago, was actually shot back in March. I have many posts like that in the backlog, *almost* ready to go, photos taken, just ready to be edited and words waiting to be written. But time always seems to get the best of me, or lovely weather or needy kids, or just happy kids who need and want me around. I’m tending to them right now. Tending to my gut instinct to be lazy a bit more, hang out a bit more, read a bit more, sit down on my computer a lot less.

Yes, some day all, or maybe even just some of the ideas I have stored up in my noggin, or written down in my notebook, will come to life and this blog will be what I’ve always envisioned it to be, but for now I’m just going to try and be content with what it is, and relish in summer 2014 with my 3 kiddos, one of whom will only be around for 9 more years before she off and leaves me for college. Hard to believe she’s already half way to adulthood. Yes mamas, the cliche is all too true; the time really does go so fast.

Just finished Beautiful Ruins and L O V E D it. It was the first non-food related book I’ve read in a year, and it was a welcome relief from information overload. Felt wonderful to just sit and read and get lost again!

Taylor and I leave for Girl Scout camp tomorrow and so I need another fresh book to take with me. I’m planning to run into the library at some point in the morning and pick up something. Anne is halfway through her list and so I’m going to look for one of her recommendations.

Back to food books, I really don’t need anymore cookbooks, but The Lemonade Cookbook: Southern California Comfort Food from L.A.’s Favorite Modern Cafeteria is calling to me in a big way, and happy to read that Smitten Kitchen has a second book coming out too! I loved the first The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook big time, challah! is still one of the most amazing and impressive things I made, thanks to her.

I’m still hmming and hawwing over this Kate Spade Saturday dress, which I am in love with, but can’t decide on a size, and since it’s final sale, it’s a nail biter of a decision.

I found my dream home. Or at least one of my dream homes. I have several categories of dream homes, but I file this one under Realistic Dream Homes.

I’m slowly starting to turn over some of my cleaning and beauty products to more natural ones, and found this list of harmful ingredients to avoid helpful. There are all sorts of lists out there which detail out safe products, but nothing is every all inclusive, and some good products are naturally left out. There are several new products and some I’ve been using for years, which I’m really curious about, as I think they are pretty safe, but don’t know enough to really tell for sure. We’ve been using Shaklee around the house since 2008, and it’s not listed on the EWG site anywhere, so I guess I’ll just have to learn to read the labels. Anyone have any other tips or advice for navigating ones way around this world? It’s all Greek to me still.

Have a good weekend all! Can’t wait to share details of our camping trip with you next week!

photo source

Serving Accessories For a Beautiful Appetizer Spread


I naturally cringe when articles and headlines label things as “must-haves”, knowing of course that most material “things” are generally never in the “must” category. However, there are some material objects that sure do make life a little more convenient, more beautiful, more presentable. With this in mind, I wanted to highlight a few items I have collected over the years, which lend to a beautiful presentation when I’m putting together an appetizer spread like the one I wrote about yesterday.

While the food should most definitely be the star, presenting it in simple, yet elegant and chic serving-ware really helps to highlight it’s natural beauty, not compete with it. The serving ware, platters and glasses should also be functional in that they are easy to clean, store away rather effortlessly, and come together naturally, without a lot of thought and planning. With this in mind, I’ve made it a point to collect various shapes and sizes of serving pieces, all in vary natural and neutral tones of white, ivory and natural woods. I keep all my serving pieces in one central location in the craft cabinet, so when it comes time to pull spreads together I’m not digging through cabinets and drawers, frustrated because I can’t find the vessel I need. My pieces range from very small to relatively large; nothing too big though so that it makes it a pain to store. I collect various platters, plates, dipping bowls and larger salad bowls, and manage to always use everything on a rotational basis; in other words, I don’t collect or hold onto pieces I don’t need or use. I also invested in 2 simple and affordable cheese knives a long time ago, one for hard and one for soft, and not only does it make for a more “professional” restaurant style spread, but they also serve a very useful purpose. Here is a collection of tasteful home items that will have you well on your way to gathering up a beautiful and delicious spread on your own. Cheese-Night-At-Home 1. Magnetic Cheese Board & Cheese Knife – I love this idea of keeping the cheese board and knife together in one spot, although I would suggest also getting a hard cheese knife in addition to this one. I purchased a ceramic cheese board years ago, and while it’s been fine, I always worry about chopping through cheese too hastily, and it breaking. A nice wooden board like this one does away with that concern.

2. Spanish Steps Serving Board – a unique way to display your dry appetizers including nuts, cheeses and cured meats, three levels separate each section to keep them separated in a functional and clever way.

3. Slate Server With Soapstone Chalk not only is this serving piece “on-trend”, it is also fully functional in that it is heat and cold resistant, so it displays a variety of cheese at ease. It is also nonporous so it holds up well to washing and doesn’t hold odors.

4. Dot Matrix Board – this interesting artful dot pattern is not only beautiful, but serves the very useful purpose of catching breadcrumbs when you slice. Made of walnut wood, sleek design stores easily.

5. Stemless Aerating Wineglasses – so I knew that aerating your wine can help it taste better, but did you know it also has the additional benefit of helping to reduce the amount of alcohol that enters your bloodstream? These beauties have ridges on the inside of each glass, which help to aerate right in your hands.

6. Hands Bowl – I love the simplicity of this white ceramic dish, perfect for serving nuts, olives, or dried fruits.

7. Cheese Making Kit – I keep hearing how easy it is to make softer cheeses like ricotta and mozzarella, but I’ve yet to try my hand at it. While I don’t think I would buy a kit for myself, if someone happened to gift me with one, I would surely put it to good use. This kit is affordable and would make a great hostess or housewarming gift.

These items were all collected from UncommonGoods, a retail site that specializes in unique gifts, many of which are handmade by talented artisans all over the world. Many products offer information about the artists and where each was created, allowing you to really know where your goods are coming from. UncommonGoods was nice enough to sponsor this post, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. Visit UncommonGoods to browse all their products, from unique home decor items, to handmade gifts.

Appetizers for Dinner – A How-To Guide


Appetizers for dinner spread At some point several years ago, probably due to a mix of laziness and a love for all things savory, I started throwing together light appetizer spreads for small groups of guests. Eventually, as I became more proficient at these types of spreads, they got more elaborate and eventually took over as dinner. Now, I make them quite often, just for our little family, on nights when I both don’t want to cook and also want to feel a bit more grown up. These spreads give you sort of a dining-out experience, while at home, and I often assemble them on the weekends when we’re doing kid things, like watching Frozen for the upteenth time. The kids really enjoy these types of dinner overall, and while each kid has their favorites and picks and chooses what they’ll eat, between the three of them, almost everything gets sampled. Us grown-ups of course eat it all, and I have just as much fun digging through our fridge and pantry, putting the foods together, as I do eating it all.  IMG_4230 The key to a well-balanced appetizer spread like this, is to have a good mix of cheeses, cured meats, simple vegetables, both cooked and/or raw, and a sweet thing or two. Of course a couple of cracker or bread options are important as well. You want a variety of flavors, none too overwhelming and those which complement, enhance or even erase each other.  IMG_4236 Fresh, raw veggies like carrots, celery, cucumbers and even radishes are perfect to munch on in between flavors, to cleanse the palate a bit and to lighten things up, when the salami gets too salty or the sweets become well, too sweet. IMG_4240 Apple slices, stone fruits or even dried fruits which aren’t overly sweet, like dates or apricots, are also great complements to salty cured meats. You can build a true charcuterie with an impressive variety of meats, but I’d rather keep it simple and put out a salami and maybe some prosciutto. IMG_4242 A rather new addition to our appetizer spreads is a raw honeycomb, which I get from a local cheese shop, but originally comes from the Savannah Bee Company. It’s an indulgent addition, but by rationing portions I manage to make it last for a couple of months, although I do have to hide it way up high in the pantry, since I’ve found the kids pilfering it. Raw honeycomb is the purest form of honey you can eat, and is completely edible. We eat it straight, but I especially love small bits of it spread on cheese, then added to a cracker, or a bit on a raw fig sliced in half. Taylor loves to take almonds and dip them in it, and Hayden and Syd just try to stick their fingers right in the box and go for it. Since it is completely edible we indeed eat the whole thing, but plain honey seeps out of the honeycomb freely, so you can easily scoop some out of the box and spread on anything you like, if you’re adverse to chewing on the waxy honeycomb. IMG_4246 IMG_4247 For the cheese portion of the program, I keep it simple and don’t go beyond two to three choices, always including both a hard and soft variety like a goat cheese and grana padano, as well as a more medium textured cheese like a gouda. My favorite cheese shop is Cheese Addiction in Long Beach, and for how little I buy cheese, the occasional trip to pick up some special varieties is completely worth it.  IMG_4250 Another nice addition, on occasion, are some steamed artichokes served alongside melted butter, and boiled potatoes, tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper. Other “meaty” and filling additions are hard boiled eggs, sweet potatoes or broiled brussel sprouts. It all depends on whether you want to turn on the oven or leave it off all together.  IMG_4264 Next week I’ll share another recent spread I pulled together, with almost entirely different ingredients to give you more ideas. The important thing here is to have fun with it, get creative, and go with your cravings at the time. The reward is a night off from cooking, and a variety of foods to please and satisfy any taste and preference.