Daily Style Holding Onto Summer


IMG_7518 Skirt – Anthropologie; Classic Button-up – J. Crew; Sandals – Red Valentino; Necklace – Anthropologie

Those who live outside of Southern California, brace yourselves for a lot of complaining from those of us who do reside here. September is when Summer really starts around here, and while some parts of upstate New York can expect to receive some snow flurries this week, we will be sweating it out in 105 degree heat. The official first day of Fall is September 23rd, but we won’t see leaves fall until at least late October. IMG_7516 IMG_7521 This means, you may still see me in some short skirts and light sundresses for a few more weeks. Consider it some outfit inspiration for next Summer.
IMG_7535 Hope you all had a great weekend, no matter what your current weather condition may be.

Week In Review


cooking-in-the-kitchen The past couple of weeks have been a turning point for me, and I finally feel like things are settling down, and I’m catching up. You don’t really grasp how different things were, until they have changed, and to see my progress in health, reduction of stress, and increase of sleep over the last couple of weeks has been awesome. I’ve been writing more extensively about what’s been going on with me, over on my Babble column, so below I share some of my most recent posts where I’ve shared my struggles and accomplishments recently. And apologies if it sounds like I’m being overly-dramatic or as someone else noted, even self-congratulatory, but I think we all struggle more with a various number of things than we ever let on in social media, and when we’ve finally turned a corner, we tend to get a little pumped.

With that being said, one of the first big steps I took towards slowing down my mind, and becoming a bit more productive, was to take Twitter and Facebook off my phone. Please note, the original title of the article was 5 Ways My Life Improved When I Took Facebook & Twitter Off My Phone. My editor changed it to I Took Facebook and Twitter Off My Phone, and I’m a Better Mom For It. Wildly different meanings and insinuations don’t you think? I was a little miffed, as the last thing this was about was making me a better mom, and the last thing I want to do is spark more mommy wars. Rest assured ladies, I’m still a flawed, imperfect, sometimes shitty mom, I just happen to be getting a few more things done these days. Consequently, I think the click-baiting title helped it to get picked up by ABC News, so what do I know about online journalism?!?

When I realized that my constant fatigue wasn’t just a case of being a mom, and how I sought to get some help.

How I Changed My Life In 14 Days. Besides taking Twitter and Facebook off my phone, I’ve done a few other small/big things that add up to big results, and I’m truly feeling better as a result of all them. Please note, my life is essentially the same, I’m just more rested and less stressed, which is I guess, sort of life-changing. Would any of these help you?

Lastly, Is The Homemade Dinner An Obsolete Concept? A recent study somewhat suggests so, but is it really time to give up the struggle to get dinner on the table? Or do we just need to find a better way?

Speaking of finding a better way, does anyone have an recommendations for a good cookbook or site that offers healthy, read no canned condensed soup, crockpot recipes? Next week, our schedules change quite a bit since Taylor will be starting swim practice and meets 3 days a week. It’s a big jump for our family and I’m thinking crockpot meals will help. Thanks in advance!

I read a lot of news articles this week, but didn’t find anything particularly juicy to share with you, but I did love this: Celebrities Read the Mean Tweets You Write. Now, if only we could all laugh out our own critics!

On my wishlist this week are 2 new books: 100 Days of Real Food and another cookbook, Danielle Walker’s Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple

In case you missed it this week, details of the 21 day cleanse I’m currently doing, on day 12 and going strong and truly feeling so much better!

Lunchbox review and questions answered, as well as plenty of ideas for healthy kid’s lunches.

Novica giveaway, 2 winners will each win a $75 Novica store credit!

Alright, back to finishing up my weekend project, switching out all the hangers in my closet to matching ones. I picked up these Real Simple” target=”_blank”>Real Simple ones from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and I looooove them! My organized inner-self is so happy!

Potato Nachos Plus A Novica Giveaway


Novica1 A few months ago, Novica reached out to me to see if I could write a few pieces for their blog, to help promote their product offering. I jumped at the opportunity because I tremendously respect what they’re doing, and the items they sell are truly beautiful. You can read in detail about Novica’s mission here, but basically, they help connect artisans from around the world, pair them a fair price for their goods, and in turn help connect them with the global marketplace. Not only does their business model help support and foster sustainable local economies around the world, but they also help to preserve artistic traditions so they don’t get buried in the sands of time. Truly awesome, awesome stuff. I was more than honored to share some of their goods with you today, and at the bottom, there will be a giveaway you can enter. And yes, Novica is affiliated with National Geographic, so even more reason to love them.

In return for my time in writing and creating posts for Novica, they gifted me a shop credit, which I was excited to apply towards some serving ware, and the clutch you saw in yesterday’s post.  I chose these beautiful dipped pieces from an artist named Victor Hugo Lopez, who specializes in hand-carved wood serving pieces. You can read each artists’ profile when you are browsing their site, and learn more about their craft, their hometown and even their family. Each piece is lovingly wrapped with care when it arrives, along with a personalized tag that tells you about each piece. Truly amazing thought and details that goes into these orders. Novica3

When my serving pieces arrived, I immediately thought “Mexican” for dinner! And so I made some potato nachos, which are really making me hungry right now considering I’m two weeks away from being able to devour this deliciousness!  Novica4

Making the potato nachos are relatively easier and somewhat healthier since you’re not using fried chips. I sliced my potatoes perfectly in an food processor which made my life a lot easier, but you can cut these into steak wedges and they would work just as well. Simply toss with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and then bake at 400 for about 15 minutes. I like to set the broiler on high and let them brown up just a bit, for about 2-3 minutes, being careful not to burn them. Novica5

Serve alongside standard nachos toppings like lettuce, tomato, cheese and salsa for a meatless Monday version, or add some sliced chicken or ground beef to make this a heartier meal, but really the vegetarian option is plenty filling on account of the potatoes. Novica6 The generous people at Novica are offering my readers a giveaway. 2 winners will receive a gift credit to Novica, valued at $75 each. To enter, simply follow the prompts below, and I’ll announce the winner next Friday September 19th. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Daily Style – 20th High School Reunion


IMG_7385 Dress – Nordstrom; Shoes – Shoemint Faith; Clutch – Novica

A few weeks ago I attended my 20th class reunion. I wasn’t entirely sure what to wear since it wasn’t going to be much more than a cocktail hour, and wanted to look nice but didn’t want to overdress, or look like I was trying too hard. So I landed on this dress I got a few months ago for my birthday and felt just fine. I think it was a good sign of maturity that I didn’t feel the need to buy something new, even though I did try on a few things, nothing was cute enough to justify a purchase of another dress when I already had this cute one at home. IMG_7393 IMG_7409 I styled it a bit differntly with newish heels and a clutch I received from Novica last month. I love the clutch and the concept of Novica and what they’re doing over there. I’ll share more tomorrow about this division of National Geographic, as well as a recipe and giveaway, so please visit back tomorrow. IMG_7394 Happy Wednesday, it feels good to be back here again on a regular basis. Three posts already this week, who am I?!? IMG_7404

The Great Lunchbox Debate


lunch-6 I’m convinced that finding the “perfect” lunchbox for kid’s school lunches is the same as finding the perfect stroller; perfect doesn’t exist so you just try to find the best one out there. I embarrassingly spent a lot of time this summer reviewing several different lunchbox systems before I took the plunge and invested in a Planetbox. Before doing so, we had been using Ziploc bags for a couple of years, and then last year we used the Easy Lunchboxes and the Goodbyn. I wanted more of a bento style system though, so my search began. If you want a quick breakdown of all the most widely used systems by weight, size, and how much each holds, visit Wendolonia’s site, as that’s the first thing I did. For a breakdown of how each works though, with the positives and negatives, read on.

We have 3 systems, and all are great, with the Planetbox leading the pack, followed by Easy Lunchboxes and then the Goodbyn. I try to keep the kid’s lunches simple each day and don’t do elaborate animal faces and other food art, but do go for variety, as I notice the kids eat more and better with a nice variety. No doubt about it, the food just looks more appealing to their senses than a smooshed up sandwich in a bag, even though they may taste the same. I feel like these kids are like pampered royalty sometimes, considering the lunches I grew up with, but since they don’t buy lunch, never have and have zero interest in it, I figure I may as well make the best of the situation. Read on for a review and breakdown of each system.

Planetbox Rover
The creme de la creme of lunchboxes, I’ll start with the positives before I give the honest downsides of this behemoth.
Positives: Made of stainless steel so it lasts for years as confirmed by countless reviews, has no questionable plastics, for those still concerned about non-BPA plastic, essentially good for the planet all around. Compartments are a great portion size for preschool through elementary kids, and larger compartment containers allow for bigger servings for adults, as I found the lunch I packed for myself to be a bit small. The lid pretty much locks everything into place so food doesn’t jumble together, although it makes no claims to be leak-proof. Still, food stays pretty well intact and therefore remains looking nice and fresh, and appealing to kids. I can confirm that my own kids are eating more of their lunches than they ever did before just because the foods don’t touch (Syd has a real issue with this), and they remain looking pretty! Several compartments also means you can offer a lot of variety, which also has a lot to do with why kids tend to eat more. For the most part, the flat and long ice pack sold separately work quite well at keeping the Planetbox nice and cold, and the lunchbox carrier, also sold separately, is pretty slim lined and fits inside both my kid’s small and larger size backpacks. lunch-3

Negatives: The Planetbox is definitely an investment, as it’s pricey. Once you buy the lunch holder and ice pack, you’re in about $60. I tried 3 other standard size lunch pails we have here at home, and none of them fit the odd size of the Planetbox. I’m sure you can search high and low, and find one, but it would probably be large and bulky, so I shelled out the additional $10 for the lunch pail. The thing is heavy too, so if you’ve got really little ones, they may have some trouble transporting the thing! It weighs almost 4 pounds with the food and ice pack inside, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but for little kids it packs a punch. I just had to order Taylor a rolling backpack because in 4th grade she is so bogged down with books she couldn’t carry it all ha! As far as size goes, it is slim lined so they fit into one of our drawers stacked on top of each other, but if space is an issue, this might be a hindrance. The bit and little dippers the Rover comes with are great for separating out foods and limiting “cross contamination” for the really picky kids, but they are awkward and a pain to open, I fumble with them continuously. And they each come with a silicone ring to help keep them somewhat leak proof, and they always manage to fall into the kids food, or I can’t get the dang thing out of the little one especially. If it falls into Syd’s applesauce or hummus, he’s done, won’t touch it, but Taylor doesn’t care. IMG_7688

Overall Review:
While the Planetbox is expensive and bulky, if you can swing it, it’s a great investment, as I have noticed a remarkable difference in how much food my kids eat, and the variety. Clean up, despite the annoying little dipper, is a breeze, and I’m amazed at how cool the food stays, since my kid’s lunches sit outside until lunch time. However, if you’re concerned about cost and price, read below for a couple of other good options. lunch1

Similar to the Ziploc containers, these are a bit more slim lined and come with different colored lids to help keep track of kid’s lunches, I’ve been very happy with our Easy Lunchboxes and was surprised to see them hold up so well over the school year last year. lunch-9

Positives: First off, these containers are affordable, making them a huge plus in my book! I love that these containers are stackable, therefore great if you’ve got limited space. The lids are color-coded, which if you’re packing several kid’s lunches at once, and they all have something different, you can easily keep track of them. There’s not a lot of little compartments, but the one large compartment can easily be modified with inserting silicone baking cups, or the EasyLunchboxes “Mini-Dippers” , which at 2.5 ounces, hold a good amount of liquid or a few berries/raisins, etc. The whole system is leak-proof, including the small little dippers, and the lids are really easy to remove, although don’t pop off easily. Because these containers are plastic, I find that they don’t stay quite as cold as I’d like them to, even with an ice pack, so foods like string cheese wither pretty quickly, even in cooler weather, but overall they do okay for regular sandwiches and produce items. Because of the one large compartment, these are also good for adult lunches, making them a nice system for the whole family to share. And as I said above, ours are over a year old and still going strong. Also, all parts are machine washable, top rack only, and they fit into most standard lunch pails.IMG_7691 , which at 2.5 ounces, hold a good amount of liquid or a few berries/raisins, etc. The whole system is leak-proof, including the small little dippers, and the lids are really easy to remove, although don’t pop off easily. Because these containers are plastic, I find that they don’t stay quite as cold as I’d like them to, even with an ice pack, so foods like string cheese wither pretty quickly, even in cooler weather, but overall they do okay for regular sandwiches and produce items. Because of the one large compartment, these are also good for adult lunches, making them a nice system for the whole family to share. And as I said above, ours are over a year old and still going strong. Also, all parts are machine washable, top rack only, and they fit into most standard lunch pails. lunch-8

Negatives: While made of BPA free plastic, some may still have some concerns about the plastic breaking down over time, and the plastic can hold the scent of strong smelling foods for a period of time. The only other real drawback for me and these lunchboxes, is that the main compartment is too large, so if I want to pack more of a variety, I have to use a couple of more containers, which is more stuff to wash, but it’s not the end of the world.  lunch-4

Overall Review:
I would say if you’re interested in trying out more bento style lunches, and need some new containers for the family, this is a good place to start, as you can test the waters for not a lot of dough. Make sure to get a set of the EasyLunchboxes “Mini-Dippers” though.

Goodbyn Bynto Food Container

Positives: Brightly colored and made of really sturdy BPA plastic, these are affordable lunch box options for both kids and adults, as the 3 compartment system holds plenty of food. They also sell little Goodbyn Stickers
to help customize each lunchbox, and recently started selling insert containers to make these more of a bento style lunch box. They’ve held up nicely over the last year, although we admittedly don’t use them as much as our other lunch box systems. These are pretty leak-proof, the foods don’t touch and stay in place, and these are dishwasher safe, top rack only. lunch-7 lunch-5

Negatives: The individual containers are pretty large, holding too much food for my kids really. I’ve solved this problem by using separate inserts and such, but it adds up to a lot of washing of little parts. The lids are sort of cumbersome, as they’re hard to really get on good, you need to give them a good push on all sides to get them to pop close. The containers, while they fit into one another, don’t collapse down as you can see, so they aren’t great for saving space, as 2 Goodbyns are taller than 4 Easy Lunchboxes. They are also somewhat big, and while they do fit into our Garnet Hill lunch pails, it’s a tight fit and we can’t squeeze anything else in there, so they may not fit into all lunch pails. I really wanted to love these ones, but I just don’t. IMG_7692

Overall Review:
While many people love this container, it’s not our favorite, but is certainly a sturdy and affordable option, especially for older kids who naturally eat a lot more and don’t care much about a variety of pretty foods all separated in neat little containers.

There’s a myriad of other options out there. The Yumbox Leakproof Bento Lunch Box Container looks amazing! The original bento style system is affordable, compact and leak-proof, holding a variety of foods for young kids. It holds less than the Planetbox, making it ideal for younger children, but I’ve ordered one just to try it out. Their new Panino system looks great for older kids though.

Overall, the kids love their Planetbox, I just wish it wasn’t so dang heavy and expensive. If you know your kids will love this kind of lunch and have had your eye on the system but have been hesitant, I would say go for it; it’s an investment but it really does make packing lunches kind of fun, if that’s even possible. And the kids actually take a greater interest in packing it than they ever did with our other lunch boxes.

But, if you’re not sure if it would get much use, try a less expensive option like the Easy Lunchboxes or the Yumbox Leakproof Bento Lunch Box Container
. My kids only eat lunch from home, and have never even bought at school, nor do they want to, so we’re in this thing for the long haul, might as well make it fun and as easy as possible.

I hope this review helps and answers a lot of questions, if I’ve missed one, leave a comment and I’ll add it in!

21 Day Cleanse


21-Day-Cleanse I woke up last Tuesday and decided to start a cleanse, and that was that. While the decision came easily and my mind was made up with absolute certainty, I didn’t really just wake up out of the clear blue sky and decide to do this. 2013 was in many ways a great year for me. Family life was good, work was good, and to help improve things, our whole family started eating better. For a good portion of time, I felt a lot of really positive effects from changing how we ate, and benefited from a lot of self-education about diet and nutrition. Things were moving right along, even though we dealt with a couple of hiccups along the way; including recurrent strep for both Syd and I. As you know, Syd had his tonsillectomy in November 2013, and even though I had already dealt with about 4 cases of strep that year, his ENT assured me that by him getting his tonsils removed, my strep issues would most certainly go away. I felt hopeful.

They didn’t though, and about 3 weeks ago, I dealt with my 7th case of strep throat since August 2013, and 10 total cases of strep in the past 18 months. 2014 has been a bit rockier than previous years, with kid’s activities increasing, the demands of Art’s job increasing, and while Hayden is still a relatively easy child, as he neared 2, normal child development behavior fell in line. All in all, we just all seem to have a lot more on our plate, and for the past 6-9 months I have been continuously exhausted, more so than just typical “mom” fatigue. I had consistent insomnia where at least 4-5 nights a week I would be up for the day at 3 or 4 am, never falling back asleep. I would count down the minutes till Hayden’s nap, and have zero energy to be productive during that precious 1.5-2 hour window. I would dread school pick-up, and the ensuing homework, activity, and dinner prep routine. And oh the back aches I’ve experienced this year; they’ve been debilitating.

I’ve been exhausted before, but usually a good night’s sleep would cure most of what was ailing me. But this was relentless chronic fatigue that was clearly affecting my life. Not only was I struggling to juggle work and typical house duties like paying the bills (on time), but I couldn’t concentrate, finding it took me hours to complete something that would normally take me half the time. My creativity nose-dived, I had constant writer’s block, and while I didn’t feel depressed per se, all this lack of productivity definitely affected my overall mood and self-esteem. I wasn’t just being lazy because I needed a break; I felt dead tired and wanted to work, create and be productive, but just couldn’t. And zero energy meant a vicious cycle ensued where I would  be too tired to cook or prepare a good lunch for myself, so I would snack, and then wouldn’t have any energy from food, so would be even more tired, and on and on. While I was still buying great, wholesome foods and was still strictly avoiding processed and fast food, consuming healthy food alone doesn’t have the same positive affects as continuing with healthy habits.

So when the most recent case of strep knocked me down hard for a few days, I knew I needed to make some serious changes, and I started by going to see an ENT. My doctor’s appointment helped a lot and will get into that later after I get some test results back, but in addition to a few other simple changes I’ve made over the last few weeks, deciding to go on this cleanse has been a big part of me recapturing some of my health.

Cleanse Details
21 day cleanse, mostly following the detox program outlined in It’s All Good, which is based off of Dr. Junger’s Clean Program. There are a hundred different cleanse and detox programs out there, but I chose to do this one because I am already so familiar with the background, principles, recipes and I don’t have to worry about supplements or any other add-ons. In the mornings I drink a pressed green juice with some combinations of greens, cucumber or celery, an apple, lemon and some ginger and herbs, or if my stomach is feeling a little acidic, I juice a less acidic drink like beets, apples & carrots along with some ginger. The juice is my breakfast. Then for a morning snack I have some nuts or an apple with some nut butter, or maybe a pear. For lunch I have a lean protein along with some vegetables, or a ton of veggies over some grains like brown rice or gluten-free pasta. In the afternoon I have another drink as my snack, either a smoothie or a pressed juice. Then for dinner a repeat of lunch, although I’ve been finding that as long as I have some protein in the evening, and not just a strictly vegetarian meal, I am less hungry closer to bed time and it helps with my urges to snack. And that’s it, no snacking in between, which when I pay attention, I do a lot of mindless snacking. Finishing the kid’s meals for them, picking at food when I’m preparing meals, leaving me less hungry at meal time, or pushing off meal time so much that I wind up starving, and then reach for the junk (even though my junk is pretty clean, like basic potato chips, it’s still pretty empty calories); basically all the typical stuff we urge our kids not to do.

Elimination Details
Foods I’m eliminating from my diet include: dairy, soy, red meat, shellfish, caffeine, alcohol, nightshades, wheat, gluten and sugar. While there are widely varying degrees to which people and science can and do proclaim these things are either all good or horrible for us, most can agree that these particular set of food categories can be extremely taxing on our digestive system, causing a lot of our bodily energy to go towards digestive work. When you eliminate these hard-to-digest foods, you free up much of the energy wasted on initiating immune responses. This PDF explains the reason why each category is part of this elimination diet, and while a lot of the medical jargon can easily be googled, I can’t say I agree that these foods need to be eliminated on a continual basis for every person. I’ll most likely go back to eating wheat and limited dairy, red meat, caffeine and alcohol. I will most definitely be watching my sugar intake more closely going forward though.

Why this Cleanse?
One of the important points that came out of my meeting with my ENT was learning that I’ve been living with strep this whole time, and never getting rid of it completely. This means my body has been constantly fighting to stay well, an easy reason as to why I’ve been so dang exhausted this year. She has me on a cleansing protocol to help clear out the infection, without the use of antibiotics and definitely without the need for a tonsillectomy myself, which is brutal at my age. For this I am so thankful and appreciative! While my ENT did not personally recommend a cleansing diet, after a LOT of research, I decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to help restore gut health after all the doses of antibiotics over the past year, and give my body a chance to rest and reset, and reduce inflammation (hello backaches!). This cleanse is pretty close to those following an Autoimmune Protocol Diet, and while I have not been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and probably do not have one, the principles behind AIP diets are definitely beneficial to those suffering from chronic infections.

How I’m Feeling
The first 3 days were terrible. Actually, day 1 started off strong, but by 4 pm I got a horrendous caffeine withdrawal headache, which feels like a really bad tension headache. Day 2 was horrible, I felt like I was in a fog all day in addition to the tension headache, and day 3 was more of the same. By day 4, I woke up feeling a ton better, and my day 5, I was feeling fantastic. Yesterday was day 6 and we spent the day at Disneyland in 100 degree heat, came home and cooked dinner, then went out to the market for a bunch of groceries, then came home and cleaned out the fridge and put all the groceries away. I can’t tell you the last time I felt that good and had that much energy. In a nutshell, I feel dramatically different than I felt this time last week, and better than I’ve felt all year. I’ve made a few other changes that have helped my mental attitude and helped me sleep better, which improves everything, but I’ll share more about htat later. With that said, me feeling fantastic may have a bit to do with the cleanse as well as a couple of other recent changes, but I know I can attribute a lot to the cleanse.

I’ve really only “dieted” a couple of times before, both after having Taylor and Syd when I was trying to lose the “baby weight.” The meal plans I followed back then, first Jillian Michael’s and then a protein and raw veggie diet recommended by my boot-camp instructor, left me feeling completely restricted and I mentally had a hard time sticking with it. This cleanse is the most intense eating plan I’ve ever followed, and yet I feel the best about it. I have cravings here and there, but they’re not super intense, and because I’m not restricting calories or portions, I don’t feel hungry. I think the fact that I was able to resist Disneyland corn dogs on this cleanse says a lot about the program, and my mindset. This time, I’m doing this for my health, not just to reach a number on the scale, and that alone makes a world of difference in my mental attitude.

And this is the part where I have to eat a little bit of crow. When I started this journey over a year ago, I didn’t anticipate that I’d ever be writing a column about wellness and nutrition. As you guys know, I have no formal training in this, all of which I’ve learned in the past year has been self-taught and I’ll be the first to admit that it has been a long and huge learning curve. Each article I write at Babble has to be backed with credible evidence, and I can tell you that in the world of health and nutrition, you can find proponents to support all ways of eating; Paleo versus vegan, whole grains versus grain-free, legumes versus legume-free; it’s ridiculous and exhausting trying to weed through the information. All this to say, you can find evidence to support any way of eating, and for a while there I tried too hard to figure it all out and figure out the “best” way. But really, the best way is what works for you. Of course there’s some things we can all agree on that are bad and good for you, but the jury is still out on whether grains really do cause problems for everyone, or only certain individuals, if people who don’t have Celiacs can be gluten intolerant, and if all can fully function on veganism. The same goes for elimination diets. I’ve made a few quips here and there about how you don’t have to eliminate whole food groups to eat healthy and be healthy. While I still firmly believe that if you’re consuming quality products, you can certainly be healthy on any type of REAL FOOD, I now see through my own experience, that there’s nothing wrong with testing the waters to see if eliminating certain foods will improve your health. I want to support anyone who’s trying to just live the best lives they can; it’s not my place to say what’s right or wrong. Lord knows scientists and doctors can’t even figure it all out!

I’ll continue the cleanse diet for another 2 weeks, and then slowly add back in foods to see how I do with them. I’m hopeful that the cleanse, along with some of the other changes I’ve made will allow me to go back to eating all these foods on the elimination list with no ill effects, but to be sure, I’ll slowly add them in one by one. Although I’m fairly certain I’ll dive head first back into a glass of wine.

Let me know if you have any questions! As always, thanks for your support guys! And of course don’t forget, if you want to follow along, join me on Instagram to get a glimpse of what I’m eating most days during the cleanse.

Homemade Water Kefir


organic water kefir Fermented probiotic beverages are all the rage right now, and I am 100% on board! About a month ago I started making water kefir and it’s turned into a fun little hobby with health benefits. My family really enjoys the tangy, fizzy drink that is chockfull of probiotics and other nutrients.

Making water kefir is much easier than I ever thought it could be. You might be familiar with milk kefir. The fermentation process is basically the same, except instead of lactose in milk, the beneficial bacteria uses sugar dissolved in water to create a delightful probiotic beverage. Milk kefir grains cannot be used to make water kefir, and vice versa. And milk kefir has way more probiotics and health benefits, but we like water kefir as a healthy alternative to soda. bubbly kefir water I purchased my water kefir grains from Cultures For Health. They come freeze-dried and require several days of rehydration to activate them. If you’re on the look out for kefir grains (water or milk) check local health food store bulletin boards, Craigslist, and through social media. I find people are more than happy to share. There are even Facebook groups where members share cultures and information about fermenting kefir, kombucha, vinegar, and other probiotic beverages.  water kefir grains The process is as easy as can be. Once it gets going you’ll have a new batch of water kefir every other day or so. I like to do a second fermentation which results in a bubbly “soda,” but that’s an optional step. It’s perfectly fine to drink after the first fermentation. using water kefir grains The kind of sugar and water used matter a lot. The culture readily consumes plain old white sugar, but requires more minerals to maintains the health of the kefir grains. Raw sugars such as evaporated cane juice, turbinado, jaggery, or sucanat are recommended. If I use white granulated sugar, I make sure it’s cane sugar, preferably organic. Honey has its own enzymes and other things that may interfere with the fermentation process, so it’s best to stick with sugar. Maple syrup and coconut sugar, or other natural sugars might be okay, but always let the grains rest and rejuvenate in plain sugar water occasionally or they might stop working or die off. I do know of people who have successfully used honey, maple, or coconut sugar effectively, but if you’re a beginner, start with sugar. organic evaporated cane juice It’s important to use filtered water. If the filter removes minerals, like reverse osmosis, they will need to be added back in. There are several ways to do that – adding 1/4 teaspoon of molasses, baking soda, or a pinch of sea salt (not all three) will add just enough minerals. There are also mineral drops available. Tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, and even lingering pesticides which can harm the kefir grains. I have a reverse osmosis filter in my kitchen, which works fine, but I do add a pinch of sea salt in with the sugar and water for the added minerals. making-water-kefir Fermentation time varies a little, but typically 24 hours is sufficient for the first fermentation; maybe 48 hours if the room temperature is on the cooler side. It’s important to keep feeding those grains, so anything beyond 1-2 days may actually injure them. I know people who ferment for longer, but add a little sugar each day to keep the grains active. I did leave some to ferment for 5 days as an experiment and the grains recovered, but I wouldn’t let that become a habit.

A second fermentation is optional, but will result in a fizzy “soda” that is utterly delightful. The second fermentation is done without the kefir grains. They are filtered out and a new batch immediately started. For the second fermentation, fruit or fruit juice, herbs, or spices can be used to flavor it. I usually use about 1/4 cup of 100% juice for every 1 quart of fermented water kefir. The second fermentation is also 24-48 hours, but can be even longer depending on how fizzy you like it. The longer it ferments, the fizzier it will become. We’ve had some pop and bubble over like champagne. (My kids love that trick!) You can drink it right away or store it in the refrigerator. Ours never lasts longer than 1-2 days because we are always drinking it, but it should last 2-4 weeks even. Do be careful and “burp” the bottles so they don’t explode. I have only had that happen once because I forgot to stick the bottle in the fridge at bedtime and we woke up to a GIANT mess. kefir grains in jar Once you get going on the water kefir, it can seem a bit overwhelming. The grains will grow and reproduce. To halt the fermentation process for a short amount of time (less than a month), the grains can be refrigerated in the sugar water solution. Change the sugar water every so often, but the grains should be just fine. For longer storage, it’s recommended that the grains be dehydrated. Freezing is not recommended.

The water kefir should have a nice, yeasty or yogurt-y kind of smell to it. If it smells sulfury or “off” it’s best to toss it out and start with fresh sugar water. It’s very rare for mold to grow on the kefir. There might be strands of yeast, however, which is totally normal. yeast on water kefir Whatever you do, especially at this time of year, keep the jar covered with a cloth or paper filter to prevent fruit flies, ants, or other unwanted pests. Fruit flies are the biggest concern. They love the sweet, fermented liquid and will quickly take residence in an open jar. Cheesecloth is not recommended because the weave isn’t tight enough. I use pieces of flour sack towels and a rubber band. covered water kefir jar dissolving cane juice in warm water Scroll down for printable recipe and directions for making your own basic organic water kefir, at home. fermented water kefir

Homemade Water Kefir
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Learn how easy it is to make homemade organic water kefir
Recipe type: Drinks
Serves: 1 quart
  • 2-4 Tablespoons water kefir grains
  • 4 Tablespoons sugar*
  • 3½ cups filtered water
  • Optional (for second fermentation) - fruit juice, diced fruit, fresh or crystallized ginger
  • Equipment needed - quart-sized jar, plastic fine mesh strainer, piece of cloth or coffee filter, rubber band or jar ring
  1. Wash and sterilize a quart-sized jar. Warm 1 cup of the filtered water and dissolve the sugar in it. Let cool to room temperature. Transfer to the jar, add kefir grains, and remaining filtered water. Cover jar with the cloth or coffee filter and secure with jar ring or rubber band.
  2. Place jar in a warm corner or cupboard away from direct sunlight.
  3. Allow to ferment for 24-48 hours; the water kefir will ferment more quickly in warmer temperatures and during the summer. Bubbles will be visible rising from the bottom to the top of the jar as soon as a few hours, but the longer it ferments, the bubblier it will become.
  4. Strain out the water kefir grains to make another batch. The water kefir can be consumed at this point, or bottled for a second fermentation.
  5. For second fermentation, transfer the water kefir to a bottle with a swing top. (Glass jars and bottles are preferred, but plastic soda bottles can also be used.)
  6. For flavored water kefir, add ¼ cup of pure fruit juice or diced fruit into the bottle then add the water kefir. Seal the bottle tightly. Let ferment an additional 24-48 hours. Crack the seal of the bottles at least once a day to prevent pressure building up. The kefir is ready to drink. Store in the refrigerator.



Aloha Berry Smoothie Bowl and Aloha Banana Fig Smoothie


“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Aloha, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #MyAloha #AlohaMoment http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV Aloha-Berry-Bowl I hate to wish time away, but I’m ready for summer to be over. While we still have a couple of weeks before the last day of summer officially hits us, the Labor Day weekend is a great place to say sayonara, and welcome in the season with a fresh start. I know many people associate the upcoming months with excess and over-indulgence, but I like to look at is a way to hunker down and get back to a simpler routine that centers around the home. Summer is all about gallivanting all over town, while Fall represents longer nights spent indoors, with more opportunities to cook nourishing meals, and less time to hang pool side most of the day chowing down on chips and guacamole, alongside a cold beer.

A certain someone did a lot of the latter this summer, and a certain someone lacked a lot of motivation to cook well-rounded, healthy meals on a daily basis. I’m not naming names, but this certain someone is definitely ready to get back on track. This past week, I’ve been getting a little kick-start back into my formerly healthier ways, with the Aloha Daily Good Greens blend box. While I will never abandon my love for fresh fruits and veggies, some times it’s nice to have a bit of convenience on hand to help us along.

The blend box offers several packets in 3 flavors, of the world’s first 100% natural, vegan, whole-food powder, in convenient individual serving pouches. These packets are seriously magical, and I’ve been enjoying them blended in smoothies and my smoothie bowls, and have even drank it straight with a tall glass of cold water. They’re the most perfectly pure powder supplement I’ve ever come across out there, with all ingredients organically grown and wild-harvested, manufactured in the US, non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan, and with absolutely nothing artificial whatsoever. It’s seriously the “cleanest” supplement I’ve ever seen. And each packet contains 2 daily servings of fruits and veggies, not to mention other “super-food” supplements like spirulina, moringa and cacao. Aloha-Bowl-with-Goji-Berries

Beyond how naturally pure this product is, I have to get back to the convenience factor. To make a typical green juice or smoothie, I would have to wash and prep up to 10 different fruits and veggies, plus my supplements like spirulina and cacao. This is all ready to go for me, in one pouch. No clean up of my juicer, no chopping and peeling, nothing. Just add to water, your smoothie or even a bowl of oatmeal, and you’re good to go.

The daily good packs have seriously been a life-saver this past week as I slowly try to get back to my old self. The past several months have been particularly hard on me, something I haven’t opened up about here, but I’ve had several bouts of strep which have left me feeling weak and chronically fatigued, with little to no motivation to cook, let alone juice, a habit that was ingrained in my daily routine just a short time ago. I’ve tried to push through it instead of acknowledging my need for help, but finally sought out an ENT to help me kick these chronic infections I’ve been dealing with for the past year. Just meeting with her last week was the jump start I needed to get back on track, and prioritize my healing. These packets have been a great way to ease back in, and recapture some of my previously vital healthy habits.

Smoothie bowls are a favorite breakfast around here, and this one features the Aloha Berry Blend, and is topped with a qia mix, primarily made up of chia seeds and nuts, goji berries and fresh fruit. Bananas give the bowl some density, almond milk makes it creamy, and the almond butter adds protein and healthy fats. The berry blend includes spirulina, spinach, sustainably sourced moringa, peas, wheatgrass juice, wild blueberries, king trumpet mushrooms and Hawaiian red alaea salt, just to name a few. Each ingredient has been thoughtfully sourced and selected to combine for a powerful, nutrient dense packet of whole-food powder that can help boost energy and immunity, as well as hydrate. IMG_7675 I’ve added the simple daily good green juice packet to cold water and had no problem guzzling it down, and neither did Hayden, although he loves just about any type of green juice so perhaps he’s not the best gauge. If you’re at all nervous about the taste though, simply add to a smoothie. This morning after an intense heated yoga flow class, I came home hungry but also severely dehydrated, having failed to properly hydrate before class. I wasn’t ready to eat, but primarily wanted to focus on hydration, so I dug through the fridge and found a few leftover organic figs that were a little past their prime to eat fresh, but made for excellent smoothie material.   Aloha-Cacao-and-fig-smoothie Along with the 4 figs, I added a fresh banana, about 1 cup of almond milk, a heaping tablespoon full of almond butter, and the daily good chocolate cacao pouch.  Aloha-Chocolate-Cacao-Smoothie What I got was a fantastic tasting, rich smoothie with the subtle hint of chocolate; sweet but not overpowering, with the added benefits of the added nutrients from wild-harvested coconut water, an excellent source of electrolytes for rehydration, red alaea salt, known for drawing out and eliminating toxins, and the yummy taste of both cacao, coconut and maple sugar.  Alohoa-Cacao-and-fig-smoothie I’ve loved my trial of Aloha products so much that I’ve signed up to continue to receive the monthly service for at least the time being. While I do have a juicer at home, as well as some of these supplement powders, I could really use the continued convenience, which for now, ensures that I get the nutrients I need, to help me get back on track with my health and my daily habits. Perhaps in another month or two when I’ve kicked these chronic infections I’ll take a break from the service, but for now, I’m thoroughly excited to have these pouches at my disposal.

You can sign up for a free trial of the Daily Good Greens powder on the Aloha site, and continue with an automated monthly enrollment service if you love the added benefits. Either way, I sincerely love this product and hope you give it a try, even for just a few days. If you do give it a try, please let me know what you think!


Vegan Chocolate & Zucchini Muffins


chocolate-zucchini-muffins Summer usually finds many home gardeners people with an over-abundance of zucchinis, and if you’re a mindful shopper, you’ll notice that they’re almost giving them away at any local grocery store. Summer makes zucchinis grow like weeds, and even those with hardly a green thumb in their body can get a few to grow with minimal effort. We didn’t plant zucchinis this year, because we hardly had time to plant a few rows of lettuce before we were overrun by a pack of screaming kids, and had to call it a day. But we  have been receiving our steady supply of yellow and green squash from our CSA produce boxes, and I’m always trying to come up with new ways for us to go through them. Confession, my kids hate squash of any type, so it’s often hard for Art and I alone to go through the amount we seem to find on our hands these days.

But with a little ingenuity, I was able to get through our last batch by completely tricking my kids into eating them. I made these beauties the night before we left on our summer road trip up to Cambria, and figured they’d be a great little snack or breakfast food while we were hanging out in our hotel room. Since kids tend to wake up starving, and I didn’t want us to feel rushed to get out the door each morning to get them fed, I packed these and some yogurt tubes for a quick and simple breakfast to tide them over each day. Did the trick and hit the spot. Plus, they’re sorta super healthy, made with raw cacao powder, rich in nutrients, and whole wheat flour so they get plenty of healthy grains first thing in the morning. They turned out moist and fluff, and while they aren’t too sweet, and definitely wouldn’t pass as a brownie or anything, they are a perfectly acceptable morning treat.

Vegan Chocolate & Zucchini Muffins
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
These chocolate zucchini muffins are dairy free and completely vegan
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Serves: 1 dozen
  • 1.5 cups whole wheat flour
  • ⅓ cup raw cacao powder
  • ½ cup sweetener like sucanat or coconut sugar
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • ¾ tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 mashed ripe banana
  • ½ cup applesauce
  • ¼ cup Almond Breeze unsweetened milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup shredded zucchini
  1. Combine dry ingredients in one bowl. In a separate bowl, mash banana and stir in applesauce, then add in almond milk, vanilla and zucchini. Combine wet ingredients by folding gently into dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Place in oiled or paper lined muffin tins and fill half way. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes, sticking with a toothpick to check when baked through.

index This post was sponsored by the nice folks at Almond Breeze, but all opinions are my own! Thanks for supporting the companies who allow me to support this site.

Easy Outdoor Summer Picnic With Burrata & Peach Salad


IMG_6261 A few posts pack, I shared with you an appetizer as dinner spread I pull together, on the nights where I don’t really feel like cooking. Spreads that appear quite impressive and complicate, but are really just the result of fridge rummaging, and making sure to have can’t-live-without items always on hand; salami & cheese, some favorite seasonal fruits and veggies, olives, and simple crackers and little sweet treats. IMG_6262 One of the first parts of the house that we worked on when we moved in almost five years ago was our backyard. Because we live in Southern California, outdoor living is a big part of our life anyhow, but when we purchased a home with an expansive backyard, by SoCal standards, and an almost 40 foot Chinese Elm tree, we knew that the backyard is where we would spend a lot of our time.
IMG_6285 The kids and I often throw out some beach towels and eat back there during the summer or after school snacks, or we sit around the fire pit, with it’s thick border serving as a natural table ledge. We also entertain outside under the elm tree and twinkly lights quite often. Our backyard is our favorite part of the house, for all of us, and so it’s not unusual for me to put together a spread like this one, and eat out here in between the kids taking dips in the pool. Although, I usually don’t bring out Hayden’s knit poof from his room, that admittedly was for styling purposes only. IMG_6287 The way this meal differed a bit from the one I showcased a few weeks back, is that the grounding dish is a burrata and peach salad, versus the steamed artichokes. burrata-peach-salad Because it’s summer, and boiling/steaming artichokes for 30-45 minutes at a time can unnecessarily heat up a hot kitchen to its boiling point, I focused on a light and refreshing salad, mimicking a similar one I had eaten at Bestia LA, and cut back a bit on the meats and cheeses, although some were still included. I filled in the blanks with a lightly seasoned, non-oily olive, some fresh seasonal veggies and fruits, and a couple of little treats to serve as dessert, including mango yogurt covered almonds and chocolate covered raisins. outdoor-summer-salad-spread The recipe for the Burrata & Peach Salad can be found over on Wayfair’s website, where I serve as a quarterly contributor. Please go check it out, you’ll find it’s quite easy to throw together, and if you’re new to burrata, this is the perfect introductory recipe to try it out. outdoor-summer-picnic Visit my last post to see the full appetizer for dinner how-to guide, but note a few of the key principles I replicated here: Something savory (prosciutto & salami), something crunchy (carrots & radishes), something mild (cold boiled potatoes), cheese with accompanying sweets (figs & chocolates); something dense (the burrata salad gives the table substance and rounds out the entire meal). outdoor-summer-spread So what are some favorite rustic spreads you pull together on the nights you don’t want to cook? Please share, as I’m always looking for new ideas that don’t equal a lot of work.